
I offer what I know and discover through my personal practice to anyone who may benefit from it. My classes follow a traditional structure to help students to open a space to reconnect and rediscover their real essence. 

Ofrezco todo aquello que aprendo y descubro a través de mi práctica y estudio a quien se pueda beneficiar.  Las clases siguen una estructura tradicional que ayuda a abrir un espacio de conexión con la esencia de lo que somos.
The sun salutation is a sequence of 12 flowing postures or āsanas activating muscle groups, whilst connecting breath with movement. It is an invitation to become aware of our surroundings; the sun above us, the earth beneath our feet, and our bodies, right between both. 
The sun is not only a bright star above us. It is also the symbol of endless and abundant energy, the source of all life and the provider of light. 
We have an inner sun, we are a reflection of the universe. Each sun salutation is an invitation to balance our inner and outer world. 

Yoga is not a physical practice, it is a practice that touches every dimension of our life experiences from the psychological to the physical. Nothing in nature works in isolation and your life experiences are not an exception. When you start practising yoga with me, you will be confronted with the reality of how your emotions and thoughts are closely linked to your physical body, the way you move and even the way you breathe. Learn more about what it means to practice yoga reading this article.


Yoga was never intended to be an exercise routine. It is a sophisticated system to discover and move your energy to optimise every area of your life experience.

One to one or private sessions allow you to:

  • discover and follow your own rhythm to progress and improve your overall physical and mental condition 
  • learn to understand your own anatomy and the way your body works, so that you can improve your sleep and reduce stress
  • connect mind, emotion and body. This is the most efficient way to achieve your goals while you enjoy the journey to reach them.

La práctica de yoga no se desarrolló para convertirse solamente en ejercicio físico. En realidad es un sistema muy sofisticado para descubrir y movilizar la energía de manera que se optimize cada área de experiencias en nuestra vida.

Las sesiones privadas facilitan: 

  • comprender los ritmos personales para mejorar las condiciones físicas y mentales  
  • aprender a entender nuestra anatomía individualmente y como funciona nuestro propio cuerpo de manera que se logre dormir mejor y eliminar niveles de estrés innecesarios
  • conectar mente, emoción y cuerpo. Esta es la manera más eficiente de lograr nuestras metas mientras disfrutamos el camino para llegar a ellas



To find your own path, it is necessary to assign space to  silence and inner balance in  your daily life. Regardless of how often you take yoga classes, you must develop your own practice.

Your personal practice evolves and expands organically because every day is different and allowing yourself to listen to your body and your emotions opens your intuition and inner balance.

Every  area of your life is in continuous interaction and change. Once you rediscover your connection with your body and soul you are certain that all you have been looking for is already inside you.  

Read the whole article published with Yoga Alliance here

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